Friday 25 January 2019

Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is mixed, because this project is roughly 71 minutes long I will be somewhat brief on what I tell you.

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, background music, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences/Character developments/Comedy level: now I know this would be a strange combination for a paragraph, but it will make sense as we progress throughout it; so generally speaking firstly there are weapons being used and chasing elements, so in this one sequence we have a selection of evildoers [in no particular order The Riddler, Harley Quinn and Two-Face.] Two-Face is driving this vehicle and because there are choices to be made Two-Face flips his coin every time [for those people that don't know this character too well here is the basic background elements for you, this character suffers from a split personality, they leave it up to chance on what option or decision they take or make, I know I have said they instead of him simply put it is because they are they and not a him.] But back to this project I like how this film uses this character development/personality flaw to put together this action sequence, it shows how dependent Two-Face is on this/his coin and on top of that they have made it comical throughout this sequence is well.

The Joker; he is good, but I don't like how he uses the same joke 2 and a half times just different variations of it and I have said this amount, because on the third time he gives up half way through] and it kind of highlights that he hasn't got enough material or something like this which isn't true; he is highly intelligent teetering towards madness or madness depending what mood he is in and many other things at any time let us not forget this character is incredibly unpredictable so anything is possible.]

Artistic visions: they are well presented such as here are two examples; watch out for joker's faces and the second is this; Superman is flying/carrying Batman at night which Batman really doesn't look happy, but Superman suddenly throws Batman up to make this Batman symbol in front of the moon and then Superman catches him again, Batman says something and still doesn't look happy and the project moves on.

This film receives: 5/10, now I was thinking on how to put this; individually in this project there are many good elements or segments such as Bruce Wayne changing into Batman [I can't tell you anything about this element, simply based on it is a very small piece, but it is imaginative] and the camera going through this place and this character walking into the camera, I have to say this; this particular sequence of events I am not sure if it is the camera's fault for going at this pace or if this character just didn't watch where he was going but either way they collide or this giant machinery which you will see Lex Luther and the Joker use [once again I am not going to tell you anything about this. My point is this yes this film as these elements and more, but this film does have a mixture of being dull and tiresome to it as well, this project has a strange feeling to it where you may be enjoying it but does feel like it is dragging its feet on top or separately at some points.

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