Saturday 26 January 2019

Venom 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Venom 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are slow-motion effects, cultural elements, background music, another language being used without subtitles being used, voice-over elements, words on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

I have been thinking about this for some time [when I originally dictated this review,] the biggest problem that this title has is it takes some time to find itself and get going, but after that it can be enjoyable.

Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom: I think I can get away with saying this; because without this point there wouldn't be this film, when these two characters meet or become Host and Symbiote, this is where this film wakes up and I should just clarify it isn't just a wake-up call, it is an sonic boom, that clearly states "We are here cross our path and the consequences will be deadly."

I was wondering how to put this; but instead I'm just going to say how it is; give Tom Hardy an extra two films contract right now with a sizable financial figure, because without this performer, this potential franchise would be next to nothing without him and I am aware that I'm just talking about one film at the moment, but based on his work in this title, he has already made a massive imprint, the chemistry between these two characters is priceless and I cannot overstate this; take this performer away from any other films involving these two characters would be ripping the heart out of any future plans they may or may not have for these two characters. [I have just said another two films because that would be a contract for a trilogy, but as long as Tom wants the role he can have it for as long as he wants really for multiple titles.]

Comedy level/Character developments: this particular element of this project may irritate some people out there in Internet land, because we have Venom being funny and yes I do respect other people’s opinions. But let's be fair, it makes Venom more of a three-dimensional character including his other personality traits, I mean if I had to give this character a comedy level this is what I would have gone for as well, because without saying too much more Eddie Brock balances out Venom or at least tries to.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: Venom looks amazing and generally speaking the action sequences show off his abilities, skills and personality traits excellently, briefly look out for the motorbike sequence and the small swimming sequence [in a good way I can't remember a stage by stage account of these action sequences, because these elements have many things happening, but I know these elements are there so I think this is one of those titles that you could watch quite a few times and you would still find enjoyment from it; because you could look at different parts that you may have missed the previous time or times around and so on and so forth [as long as you can put up with the section at the beginning of this title or slightly more, I can't exactly nail it down, but somewhere around here.]

Performances: the rest of the performances are mixed.

This film receives: 8/10, the thing is after everything is said and done I could justify this mark, I mean yes I haven't forgotten the biggest problem with this project, but the best way I could say it would be this; would the real Venom please stand up, please stand up; because that is what we have in this title.

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