Thursday 24 January 2019

Ghostbusters: Answer the Call 2016 [alternative name Ghostbusters] by AverageMansReviews

Ghostbusters: Answer the Call 2016 [alternative name Ghostbusters] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are slow-motion effects, background music, place jumps and time jumps.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions and the action sequences are imaginative and visual, there should be at least one thing at some point in this title that you should enjoy, for one example on the artistic visions side of things, when a character changes into an animated version of this very well-known symbol, he does talk a little [just before he turns into the bigger version of this symbol,] this is one of those occasions where this may not make much sense now but if or when you watch this project it will make sense when you see it] or on the action sequences side of things the balloon bursting sequence [I think they are balloons, I am not being lazy but once again this will make sense when or if you choose to watch this project.]

Comedy level/Performances: now in this paragraph I will be discussing both of these elements at the same time, because I will be focusing on the comedy/chemistry between these performers/characters which there is very good comedy/chemistry between them to work on if there is a sequel in the future [I want to make this crystal clear I am not, I am not saying that there is or will be a sequel in the future I'm just saying for here and now they have laid a very solid foundation to work on in this sequel if or when this happens.] Briefly between the five of them there could be something comical being said or happening or working on something or progressing the film or something else [just in case I have missed something out.]

This film receives: 7/10, I think this is one of those films that you could watch it many times for at least a little while and always find something different to focus on or something other, because I sat down to dictate this review and I couldn't remember everything about it and on top of that I think I have put the right mark down for this project, just based on the facts, it covers the foundation elements and everything that comes with that so if they wanted to make a sequel it should be relatively easy to move everything forward without too much difficulty.

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