Friday 28 December 2018

Judge Dredd 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Judge Dredd 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, a voice-over element, cultural elements, background music, place jumps and time jumps.

Artistic visions: the science-fiction elements including landscapes and many other things are looking a little bit old, but they still give this title value and without being too harsh they are good for what they are and on a quick side note the comic books elements somewhere around the beginning of this title is a good touch as well.

Comedy level: simply put; most of these elements have got to go for me, now in the interest of fairness and balance there are some elements that could and can stay in this project, here are just two examples briefly; our lead character blows up this car [futuristic car I think] and the second example is where our lead role is giving this speech, demonstration, lesson on these weapons and so on and he just points out something to the effect of this; "If you can get it to work."

Action sequences: they are all good, there are plenty of weapons being used and those kinds of things including a chasing sequence.

Performances: in a nutshell [because I have tried to re-dictate this paragraph a certain amount of times by now,] I think this would be the most easiest way for me to put this without getting lost in what I am saying or confused or something like this; it just depends where you are in this title really some moments or scenes or sequences can be okay to somewhere around good to good, but then you could have something which is the opposite to what I have just said

This film receives: 5/10, now it doesn't matter how many times throughout the years I watch this project I still come up with the same mark, this is one of those films that has or had potential to be a good film, but somehow it didn't quite work out that way.

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