Thursday 27 December 2018

Barb Wire 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Barb Wire 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are words and a number on screen, background music, mental imagery, voice-over elements, cultural elements, quick moving effects, slow-motion effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences: generally speaking there are weapons being used, combat elements and other things, these action sequences give this title value in one way or another. This is one of those occasions where I have already established that this film is poor, but without being too harsh unless I can find a concrete reason or reasons to be highly critical then I will say something like this; in this title you will find some value somewhere, okay in some cases it may be cheesy amongst other things but value is value nonetheless, so without giving too much away you will see our lead role taking care of business at different points in this title.

Comedy level: there is a certain comedy level in this title it ranges between mature themes to adult; I am thinking of just something I could use as an example or examples so I have chosen this; watch out for the dog that goes by the name of Camille [with and without instructions, this will make better sense when it comes to watching this title.]

Character developments/Performances: these two elements would be the most difficult of elements to sift through, because on one hand we have the character developments which yes I know this character is based off a comic book of the same name and that is as much as I know, but a little bit of me is saying well this was made in the 90's and on every single level the 1990's has a presence in this film, so based on what I have just said the performances are just before mixed or mixed somewhere around here. On a side note on my very brief research mostly other film critics did not like this film either, I was just looking at what they said then, but then again on reflection I don't know when their reviews were done back then or more recently.

This film receives: 3/10, well I chose this number straight after I finished watching this project so I am going to stick to it, I think after taking everything into consideration the saving grace of this title is the fact it is from the 1990's and yes I'm aware that mostly other film critics didn't like this film either and I haven't given it a high mark, but in fairness and balance the more I think about it and I cannot say this enough to adapt a well-known/legendary song title; this film smells like 1990's spirit.

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