Saturday 29 December 2018

Supergirl 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Supergirl 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor

Fundamental elements: there is background music, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps. Now the movement of this project is just really, really hard work of what I can remember whilst watching this film I think it gets better in roughly the final quarter, but then again it couldn't get much worse.

Storyline: well I am going to put this very simply, it is garbage, briefly it is just so weak, I mean I even watched the ending credits just to see if there was or is anything after them [there isn't] and did we really have to go through this painful storyline element where for some reason [I know the reason] but I am not saying where this male character falls in love, I wouldn't have minded this romantic element if they went with something much better than what they went with

Action sequences: I mean even this element of this title doesn't make things easy for me to talk about, now before I continue I really want to make this crystal clear if this wasn't in this title I wouldn't be discussing it, so with that being said now roughly our lead character asks two men for some information and it is clear what they want [and I will just leave it there.]

Here are just some examples of other scenes or sequences, in one situation, this male character gets stuck in this digger type of machinery [where the digger elements get used as a mouth and this male character is inside,] I think they call it a bulldozer in this film I could be wrong, but it looks more like a digger and this shadow monster type thing [which I think appearances twice as some point in this title.]

Science-fiction elements: these elements are good.

Performances: they are mostly poor besides Peter O'Toole as Zaltar, every scene or sequence he is a part of feels different as if there is some kind of motivation and direction behind this project as long as he is on screen, he just makes things happens around him and the quality of the dialogue exchanges noticeably improves.

This film receives: 1/10, I don't know what to say about this film, in a nutshell yes this title does have some good elements here and there, but however the negative elements to this title are colossal, so in reality what they are doing is counterbalancing any either workable or positive elements to this project [hence why this mark] and on a very quick side note I think but I could be wrong there is a bunny rabbit somewhere in this project, I like him or her.]

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