Monday 10 December 2018

Enemy of the State 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Enemy of the State by 1998 AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, quick moving effects, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

This film feels like a long film [I should just point out it is roughly speaking 132 minutes long,] so it is a long film but it doesn't have to also feel like a long film as well and in the interest of fairness and balance at some point in this review I will be pointing out when it doesn't feel so long.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, chasing sequences and other bits and pieces.

Character developments/Performances: all of these character developments and performances are something safe and reliable, once you have spent some time with these characters you should be able to work out their character model, this is why I find it a little bit difficult to criticize the performances, because logically speaking if these are the character developments; the performers in question are just a reflection of them in the first place.

But where I said earlier I would tell you when this film doesn't feel so long and without saying too much it is when we have Smith and Hackman working off one another on a consistent basis, there is good chemistry, I say good chemistry because I kind of got the feeling if his partnership were given more time on screen it could have been something really special [in a nutshell it is one of those golden opportunities where you have to ask or say to yourselves or ourselves "What if these two performers had this entire film to work off?"

This film receives: 6/10, now after taking everything into consideration and when I finished watching this title I said this mark so I am going to stick with it and on a quick side note the cat was a good touch in this project.

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