Saturday 8 December 2018

Contagion 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Contagion 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, quick moving effects, slow-motion effects, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Now I don't have too much to say about this title; simply because this film feels like it never gets out of first gear, meaning the movement of this title is slow, really slow and I could be wrong about this; but is it me or is the background music really noticeable.

Storyline: in short without saying too much I get the ending, but I would have been more interested in what happened next.

Performances/Character developments: I don't think it is right that I should say these performances are anywhere near poor because they are not, but I can say because of the character developments including the fundamental elements [which I have already discussed] these performers were doing their job and there are some well-established names in this cast, are you ready for just two name drops Kate Winslet and Bryan Cranston.

This film receives: 3/10, in theory and I am just guessing here, but just maybe if this project had a bit of get up and go to it I would have given this film a higher mark [I am just stating this so it comes across that I am trying to be at least fair in this review.] But as this film is right here and right now, the more this film went on the more my interest was getting less and less [and on a quick side note there are weapons being used and things of this nature.]

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