Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 31: Dinobot Island: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 31: Dinobot Island: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Character developments: in this episode we have two different kinds of character developments, without giving too much away Starscream and Megatron are having this dialogue exchange where in a nutshell Starscream is right and the second character developments are; now is it me or are there many new characters in one way or another in this episode, I mean don't get me wrong now and again they do drop them in with a push, but in this episode it seems to feel like they are more like bombarding the viewers with a number of new characters/merchandise, it should be stated that I am not criticizing this; but I am just pointing out how it feels and how it may look, but then again I could be wrong about this or I have just missed something, but in fairness and balance at least it freshens things up.

Action sequences: generally speaking these elements do a lot for most parts [briefly there are moments without the Autobots the Decepticons or the Dinobots. But roughly in the final quarter it does feel like this episode is going out on a strong ending, so much so I had to readjust my mark that I originally had for this episode.

This episode receives: 7/10, as I have already said this episode is good.

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