Monday, 12 November 2018

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, background music, mental imagery, a number and words on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

Here is a slightly more in-depth look at the fundamental elements, they don't exactly make this project quick and smooth, this film needed to be quicker or at a bare minimum have a consistent medium to light footing to it so hopefully by doing this it would have hopefully created a get up-and-go atmosphere to it or let's just say if this project wanted to be heavy footed in places then so be it, but give it a quick transition phase so it can go up or down throughout the gears at a drop of a hat depending where you are or what they wanted to do at that specific point in this title.

Action sequences:  there are weapons being used including this one sequence, where our lead role has some assistance to walk or run up this wall with a wooden pole and another character holding the other end/then this sequence turns into another character shooting arrows so our lead role can climb this wall, I should just point out this is a rough description of this sequence.

Performances/Character developments: I don't know what to make of these elements, what I mean by this would be the following; in the interest of fairness and balance I think it would be a mixture between the fundamental elements, the performances and the character developments or possibly may be other little bits and pieces which I have forgotten about, to why or how this film has turned out this way.

In short to begin with; the performances range from poor to mixed [or the performer in question was possibly making something out of what was given to them.] Now I can go a little bit more in-depth on reflection there are some occasions where there are connections between these characters in one way or another, but then again there are some occasions where the connection isn't as noticeable with the same characters or with other characters there are moments and it's like or something like it takes a step backwards in their connection even though we are moving forward in this project [and no I am not talking about the rewinding elements, this will make more sense when you come to watch this title,] I am just talking in a general sense.

There's more on top of that, from an over view perspective these characters consistently fall into their stereotypes, a paint by numbers that kind of thing.

This film receives: 2/10, let's begin this paragraph on a brief positive which I haven't discussed yet, in a nutshell yes now and again this film looks nice, but moving on now this was my first time of seeing this project and as you can see I am far from keen on it.

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