Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 1, Volume 2] Episode 13: The Ultimate Doom - Part Three Revival by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 1, Volume 2] Episode 13: The Ultimate Doom - Part Three Revival by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another excellent episode

Character developments/Artistic visions: throughout this three parter storyline there is friction or something to this effect, between these three characters Megatron, Starscream and Dr. Arkeville, I should just point out the reason why I am bringing it up now, is because as everyone should know by now I don't discuss everything in every project I review, but then again this is something I should bring up so here we are.

Well so far in one way or another I have said that the relationship between Megatron and Starscream is let's just say combustible, now if we include Dr. Arkeville into this as well, this is not a functional triangle to say the very least, it feels like these characters are looking out for their own interests first and pretty much nothing else, it has to be said that if only these characters could get on the same page they would be a dangerous trio or including Soundwave a very dangerous quartet. [Before someone points this out; yes I am aware that if I was to include Soundwave it wouldn't just be a quartet, there would be more characters than that.]

Now moving on to the artistic visions, I have chosen to talk about when Dr. Arkeville is hanging on and this giant hand [Starscream's hand] comes out of the water to kind of rescue him, I say kind of simply because that is what this hand does, but his motives are not of kindness but instead he still needs Dr. Arkeville for something, so this sequence begins with Starscream's hand and more of him coming through the water with this dialogue exchange, then flying off with Dr. Arkeville in his thumb and finger [like a pinching motion,] then transforms in mid-air to put Dr. Arkeville inside his cockpit [Starscream's transformed mode is of  Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and I should just quickly say this is a rough description of this sequence,] but I like it.

Action sequences/Comedy level: one example look out for the Autobots on surfboards, it can be seen as both of these elements as Autobot [Bluestreak,] panics about this tidal wave behind them.

This episode receives: 8/10, as I have already said this is another excellent episode.

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