Monday 24 September 2018

Firefox 1982 by AverageMansReviews

Firefox 1982 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is good

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements, mental imagery, no subtitles when another language is being used, background music which is really noticeable, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, fighter jets and other elements. Now I can't say too much about the fighter jet or the fighter jets elements, because it is a major point to the storyline. But I can say this; yes by today's standards they are looking vintage, but they still look good and still give a lot to this title.

Performances/Character developments: without splitting too many hairs they range from somewhere around mixed to good, it is difficult to say because later on in this project you have two characters that are on the same side, but there is clearly some friction on how to deal with this situation, I can't clearly say these performances are poor, because they are not but it is just strange, from this perspective it is more than okay to have some kind of friction between these two characters because of this top priority situation that has developed and is still developing as they speak. But having said all this; it does come across as elements of an old married couple now and again or something to this effect, it is something that once you begin to notice it; it is something that sticks out, so all I am going to say is I don't know if it is the performers themselves or the character developments, but either way as I have already said it is just strange.

This film receives: 6/10, I have to be very careful on what I say next; but let's just say after 136 minutes I want a better ending than this; so taking everything into consideration this mark feels right.

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