Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 2] Episode 10: The Trail of Three Wizards by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 2] Episode 10: The Trail of Three Wizards by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is lots of fun

Basic background information: the power staff of Decay, it's main controller is Darkstorm or anyone that holds it and says the magical words or poem or spell "By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, let all that grows recede and rot!" [to decay somebody] or "Power of rot, obscuring truth, what once was old, restore to youth!" [this will return the same person to their original age,] the amount of times you can use this with one charge is  up to twice [I think it works that you can decay somebody once and then restore them to their original age once,] other than that I am not too sure, because that is all we get to see in this TV program and I think his magical creature has to decay someone first for the restore option to come into effect [I am pretty sure this is all right, but I would feel more comfortable just pointing out I could be wrong.]

Artistic visions/Comedy level: now I am just going to pick out one artistic vision and it would have to be the giant hand [because of its size you will not be able to miss it,] the reason why I have chosen these elements is it shows imagination and along with that comes this small comedy element as well, briefly one of the Spectral Knight complained about their landing and Merklynn says something to the effect of apologies about that I am still training this hand [this is just a rough description of this comedy element, but I think you get the point nonetheless.]

Action sequences/Bloopers: the action sequences are of a very high standard and they all bring something different to the table, now moving on to the bloopers in a scene a Spectral Knight [Feryl] says something to the effect of it seems like your snake is experiencing some difficulties [it is clearly a dragon, a beautiful dragon] and not a snake [but if anyone watches this episode your more than welcome to prove me wrong or at the very least share your opinion, I have seen this scene roughly a handful of times now and I have even asked the person I watch some films with their opinion and they agree with me,] the next one is if you look at Witterquick's power staff after he has used it, you will see the power staff's totem still there once or twice I think.

This episode receives: 10/10, as I have already said this episode is lots of fun and is very deserving of this mark.

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