Wednesday 9 May 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc C, 3] Episode 20: Distant Boundaries by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc C, 3] Episode 20: Distant Boundaries by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

Storyline/Ongoing storyline: the storyline is good and as it relates to the ongoing storyline near the end of these episodes lately I cannot remember if it is going to be every episode that we get this ongoing storyline, I was thinking I would just that point out.

Outer space including this planet sequences/Action sequences: now I may as well talk about these two elements together, because between these two elements they are visually great looking and really entertaining.

Character developments: now if the truth was known I don't know too much about two of these characters that are used in this episode, so on top of this review, I have been looking them up, but generally speaking the character developments in one way or another are very good and interesting.

This episode receives: 9/10, now when I originally dictated this review I went for an 8 out of 10, but on reflection this episode does have another gear or gears to it, the more you watch of this episode the quicker through the numbers it goes and when I say numbers I mean going from 7 and pushing through 8 and into the territory of 9 in a nutshell when this episode goes into outer space and spends more and more time on this planet the better things get.

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