Sunday 1 April 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 14: Stolen Lives by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 14: Stolen Lives by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: in a nutshell this episode is excellent.

Storyline/Fundamental elements: now without giving too much away they do not continue with the previous episode and it storyline [but I'm sure or maybe they will go back to it at some point I haven't seen the future episodes yet,] but instead they decided to develop on another storyline which uses these place jumps, time jumps, mental imagery flash effect thing which if my memory serves me correctly I didn't like this effect in one previous episode [Episode 11:Past Discretions] and once again don't get me wrong I do understand its purpose but I still don't like this effect.

Dialogue exchanges/Character developments: throughout this episode the dialogue exchanges are of a very high standard which at some points we get some character developments [history elements in the dialogue exchanges] and we get shown some elements as well in these flashbacks.

Action sequences: these are highly entertaining for one example we have Wolverine teaming up with Wolverine [Raven] in one sequence of events.

This episode receives: 9/10, now in this episode they use this mental flashback effect less [I think I wasn't keeping count,] but what is more important is this; at least this time around things feel much better grouped together and not forgetting if we include the dialogue exchanges and the action sequences this mark was easy to give when it was all said and done.

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