Monday 2 April 2018

Conan the Barbarian 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Conan the Barbarian 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: I found this project to be really difficult to watch, yes usually I would give you a long speech about this, that and the other. But I did replay some elements including some stoppages, what can I say I just got bored with this project [how can I put this nicely; everyone should know I get a little bit too precise about taking breaks or rewinding elements or anything other and then doing this kind of announcement thing, but in this case I was looking for any reason to take a break and if I have any new viewers to my page if I am not finding the project in question hard work or something to this effect and for some reason I have to take a break from the project in question or something else, I will not be bringing it up because briefly as long as my viewing experience isn't hard work or difficult to watch, it is not worthwhile mentioning in the slightest.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, there are time jumps and place jumps, a word or words on screen, slow-motion effects being used and this mental imagery or mental imagery flashback thing [these two elements are used at some points in this title] and in a nutshell the background music, well it really does nothing for me [if I sound a little bit vague throughout this review, it is because to be honest with you my brain switched off consistently whilst watching this project.]

Performances/Character developments: now usually I would leave these two elements to later on, but as far as I am concerned at least 78% of this title is in one way or another frustrating, irritating or poor so all I am trying to say here is this; it doesn't matter where I begin if a high percentage of it just knows how to annoy me in some way or another, yes just for the record there are some elements of this film I did like, but I will get to them when it is appropriate for me to do so.

The performances are generally speaking poor, it is a difficult thing for me to describe because I don't see or hear this thing often or if I have it isn't this clear or noticeable in other projects, now let's just say we are hearing a dialogue exchange between two characters and it is going good or well and for some reason the dialogue exchange loses some of its steam or flow that I kind of lost what was being said or I am thinking to myself what did that character just say? [I should just point out I have very good hearing,] but it's like someone has put the handbrake on in this dialogue exchange and consequently the dialogue exchange doesn't have the same momentum or spark to it and in the interest of fairness and balance of what I have seen or heard the recurring characters have this problem at different points it isn't just maybe once or twice this thing happens, if I had to put a word to how often this happens I would say comfortably consistently, but what really does annoy me in a way is this; it doesn't happen every scene or sequence or I don't think it happens every scene or sequence or something else. I would have liked to say the smaller roles as well but with being honest with you I wasn't paying attention.

Moving on the character developments of Conan, I would like to say I like them; this is true I did like them in bits and pieces meaning I don't know if it is because of the previous paragraph I couldn't really settle with them, like I could say I like that bit or another bit and so on and so forth.

Action sequences/Comedy level: there are plenty of weapons being used and other elements, generally speaking the action sequences are okay, there are one or two sequences which felt different meaning they are good, in a nutshell the first sequence is where Conan and another character find themselves in this water location I think Conan and this other character go underwater at some point in this sequence [I could be wrong or it could be just before the sequence begins or middle of it or both] but you will know the sequence I am talking about when you see another character that looks to be a keeper of this monster that has what seems to be tentacles or something to that effect in the water.

Briefly another example is where three of the main characters are in this dangerous situation, one tied down to this circular thing [which this circular thing is the only thing stopping these three characters from falling any further,] whilst the other two characters are fighting on it.

Now the comedy level, yes I did giggle maybe once or twice, but this element doesn't really need to be in this film, such as when our lead character straps this henchmen type of character to a boulder and with a catapults him with a message in his mouth to the main evildoers of this project.

This film receives: 3/10, I want to make this crystal clear, this film just about does enough to get given this mark, what with the okay to good action sequences and the artistic visions [landscapes and accessories amongst other bits and pieces] contributing some level of a positive influence and generally speaking the okay moments or scene or scenes or sequences in this title, but then again I didn't like the slow-motion effects when they are in effect, this mark just about seems right, it has to be said that this project has given me a headache, because if this review was released last night it was going to receive a 2, but on reflection I could justify this number but not completely comfortable with it, so as I have already said it just about does enough to get put into the 3/10 bracket and this project is hard work to watch and if I can help it I will never be seeing this project again.

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