Monday 30 April 2018

The Hitman's Bodyguard 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Hitman's Bodyguard 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, words and a number on screen, cultural elements with other languages being used, with and without subtitles being used I think [I say I think because I have a feeling there are some moments where subtitles are not being used, but in fairness to myself the text for the subtitles is small,] so if you are not a strong reader like me you will find this difficult to keep up with, slow-motion effects, mental imagery and there is background music which sometimes works with the scene or sequence it is a part of or sometimes it is okay or somewhere around this word meaning, yes it is there and that is about it really or it does very little for the scene or sequence it is a part of [let's just say I keep changing my mind on this element over the last few days, since I have seen this title, so instead of me changing what I have said here, all I am going to say is once again is this; my mind keeps changing.]

Now slightly moving on in a nutshell all of these performances are good, but this film does feel like it needs Reynolds and Jackson working off one another, for this title to have any kind of atmosphere or forward momentum.

Action sequences/Comedy level: there are weapons being used, combat sequences and chasing sequences, they all give this title great value in one way or another and the comedy level ranges from okay to funny.

Performances: as I have already said all of these performances are good, Reynolds and Jackson individually do a good job or slightly carry this film when they are on their own and it feels like the film slows down and it shows, don't get me wrong, you see I am trying not to be too critical. Because it does feel like Reynolds needs Jackson and Jackson needs Reynolds to balance out this film, to create some friction to create consistent interesting dialogue exchanges to create consistent comedy moments and many other things, in a nutshell this film feels as if it has just woken up when you get these two performers consistently on screen for the first time in this project.

This film receives: 7/10, generally speaking this film is good but it does need some time to warm up [I was informed that there was a blooper right at the end of the ending credits, so I went back and looked after dictating this review and yes there is and whilst I am on the subject yes I did go back and re-dictate some elements of this review, but the marking has stayed the same.]

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