Sunday 29 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc B, 2] Episode 11: Origin of Iron Man: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc B, 2] Episode 11: Origin of Iron Man: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Fundamental elements: I think there are voice-over elements, time jumps and place jumps and there is background music as well. Now for two minutes let's put to one side the storyline and the origin storyline, this episode does feel like it should have been the first episode and the second episode, because I have to be honest this episode is good but then again it does feel somewhat late.

Storyline/Origin storyline and character developments: all of these elements are interesting including how Tony Stark reflects on these previous events in the present day.

Fin Fang Foom: this character puts in a very good showing in this episode be it in the action sequences with Iron Man or communicating with the Mandarin or anything else.

This episode receives: 7/10, yes this episode is good as I have already said, but the more I think about it, the more I think they should have done this kind of episode or episodes when the episode number was still in single figures, earlier would have been better [yes there are voice-over elements I went back and checked for these elements and other elements at a different time.]

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