Friday 27 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc B, 2] Episode 10: Iron Man to the Second Power: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc B, 2] Episode 10: Iron Man to the Second Power: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

Character developments:  the thing between Blacklash, Hypnotia and Dreadknight is so boring and I think there are some other members of the Mandarin's followers or forces or whatever you would like to call them that are at some points in different previous episodes are on the side of irritating or boring or somewhere between the two, in fact, the Mandarin ,M.O.D.O.K. Justin Hammer, Living Laser, Grey Gargoyle and  Fin Fang Foom [yes I am aware that this character is not a member of the Mandarin's forces, I have just simply put in here because he is associated with the Mandarin and yes I had to go back and make sure we have seen this character, because we haven't seen much of him,] but they are the only ones which are not beginning to irritate me in one way or another and whilst I am on the subject Julia Carpenter and Wanda Frank are trying to get along in this episode, but I don't think it will last for too long.

Action sequences: these elements are good for one example the underwater sequences are well put together and the rest of the other action sequences give this episode some value.

This episode receives: 5/10, now whilst I was watching this episode and dictating this review I was thinking about giving this episode a 6/10, but the more I thought about it the more I became comfortable with the mark I have given, simply because yes this episode has much going on, but then again when it came to dictating this review I had forgotten bits and pieces of it or putting things in the right order or something to that effect, so I went with a 5/10 or to put it another way this episode isn't boring, but the character developments are boring or to be fair not well timed, maybe they should have left these character developments or friction bits and pieces to another episode.

On a side note, from today I will be withdrawing the small details, like for an example if subtitles are not used for small, brief dialogue exchanges in another language I will not put them in my reviews, unless it becomes a recurring theme in the dialogue exchanges of decent amounts or something to that effect or if I miss dialogue exchanges or anything, this in itself is no big deal. Because hopefully with not being concerned so much about the small details [unless I really feel it is necessary like for an example in the film title Sniper: Ghost Shooter 2016 they use subtitles but I think they are speaking English at the same time in one scene,] I can focus on other things in the project in question

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