Friday 27 April 2018

Sniper: Ghost Shooter 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Sniper: Ghost Shooter 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is garbage.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, words and numbers on screen, cultural elements with subtitles or without subtitles or I think speaking English but still using subtitles or an interpreter, slow-motion effects and quick moving bits and pieces, voice-over elements and background music which does nothing for me whatsoever.

Now if the truth was known, I kept replaying some elements of this film and could have continued doing it, but I gave up, the fundamental elements including the movement of this title is really hard work to watch and there are some weak dialogue exchanges as well and on a quick side note I was more than happy to take a long break whilst watching this project.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, explosions and this kind of things, the only small element of the action sequences I did like were looking down the sight of sniper gun [or I think that is what they are called.]

Performances: these are difficult to describe, because yes they can range from anywhere from really poor to poor to now and again being okay or somewhere around this word for maybe a moment or a scene or sequence.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is not enjoyable to watch, yes there are action sequences with plenty of weapons being used and yes there may be some references or adaption’s to bits and pieces or something to that effect which come from different film titles [in the dialogue,] for one example I think one of the sayings that gets used in this title is this or roughly to this effect: "Say hello to my Russian little friend, " this has been adapted from the legendary film title Scarface 1983 "Say hello to my little friend," but it should be noted I may have gotten the interpretation slightly wrong but I think you get the basic idea and whilst I am on the subject I can't remember if I have said everything about the fundamental elements, but then again I don't discuss everything in the first place. So finally in a nutshell if I have the choice I will not be seeing this film title again, it is garbage.

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