Saturday 21 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 4: The Grim Reaper Wears a Teflon Coat by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 4: The Grim Reaper Wears a Teflon Coat by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Character developments/Voice: I am really hoping they pull back on this element a bit, because yes I do understand its purpose but it is going to become irritating eventually. The viewers can sense that there is some kind of friction between the female characters as it relates to Tony Stark in one way or another and considering I don't think too much of Wanda Frank/Scarlet Witch and in the interest of fairness and balance my opinions of Clint Barton/Hawkeye are currently mixed [when this episode goes out.]

Now I could be wrong, but there could be one or two scenes in this episode where a character's voice changes and it isn't a small change either

Action sequences: they are all entertaining.

This episode receives: 7/10, good episode but could do less focusing on the friction between female characters and focusing on what is happening in the episode [the elements you will see in this episode are not that bad in the first place, but there are enough of them for me to give this episode a 7/10] but less seeing it would be nice or maybe build up the character developments using body language, sensing friction or something like this in the future episodes, then eventually see it between whatever characters you have been building this tension with, to leave this review on a positive note there is this very good armouring sequence as Tony Stark goes from a man to Iron Man and some elements seeing his other armour as well [I did replay some elements of this episode including the voice thing and yes this character's voice changes at some points.]

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