Sunday 22 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 5: Rejoice! I Am Ultimo Thy Deliverer by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 5: Rejoice! I Am Ultimo Thy Deliverer by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements with another language being used without subtitles being used and as I have maybe said in a previous review and it relates his TV program there is background music being used, but it is something you are going to like or going to put up with or you are not going to like it, but for me it is there and it does nothing wrong at least it goes well with the scene or scenes or sequences that it is a part of.

Character developments/Voices and clothes: Wanda Frank/Scarlet Witch in a nutshell I don't like this character in anything she does whilst I am on the subject her uniform or whatever it is when she is the Scarlet Witch is just annoying and tacky, don't get me wrong Julia Carpenter/Spider-Woman has her moments of being annoying as well in fact when these two characters are being annoying together for whatever reason they just take so much fun out of the episode, it could be the past or present or future episodes [if I don't like it now my opinions are not going to change] when individually or together these two characters get irritated or unhappy their level of maturity [as it relates to their character developments is really off-putting.] I prefer female characters that have a bit of inner strength or something like that or to be honest anything like this to them which these two characters are missing, moving on I think there are voice changes [I could be wrong but they don't sound right] and character quickly changes his clothes.

Action sequences: in a nutshell they are all really good.

This episode receives: 7/10, in a nutshell with taking everything into consideration what with the action sequences including this character who goes by the name of Ultimo [because of this character I changed my mind about the mark of this episode] I feel comfortable with this mark, this episode feels slightly closer to a 7 than a 6 out of 10, but it was a close call and yes I replayed some elements of this episode to make sure I got them right in this review.

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