Friday 20 April 2018

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 3: Silence My Companion, My Death Destination by AverageMansReviews

Iron Man 94 -- 96 [Disc A, 1] Episode 3: Silence My Companion, My Death Destination by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Arcade/Video game/Computers/Chessboard: now all these elements are very good, for the younger generations [when this goes out] an arcade is where you go to socialize, possibly eat and drink something and play video games or similar kinds of games [like for an example 2P machines.] The videogame element I am talking about is where one character is playing this videogame and the audience can see what is happening with her again [I think there is another small scene which uses the videogame elements, but I could be wrong.]

Moving on the computer or computers elements are where we have James Rhodes and other characters using these computers to help out Tony Stark/Iron Man and because I really do like the next element I will be discussing, I will not be discussing it too heavily because I don't want to give everything away, but the Mandarin's chessboard shows great imagination [it is something when or if you choose to watch this episode, you won't be able to miss it.]

Character developments: now hopefully we will only be seeing this character once [quick description of this character a female possibly teenager,] her character developments as it relates to her personality and dialogue are simply put just annoying.

This episode receives: 7/10, yes this episode does have many positive elements to it including some I haven't mentioned, but this one character as I have already said is just annoying or if you don't find her annoying to begin with you will be annoyed at the end of this episode, now on a side note yes I did replay this episode, because I went back and focused on the previous episode and I did replay some elements of this episode as well, but as usual if it doesn't bring anything to the review in question I will not mention this again unless I really have to or choose to.

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