Saturday 10 March 2018

The Shepherd 2008 by AverageMansReviews

The Shepherd 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well this film consistently irritated me from beginning to end, there were some dialogue I missed throughout but it was a mixture between the poor performances, I found it difficult to be interested in this title and I am sure there are many other reasons to why I didn't pick up on some dialogue or I am going to say other bits and pieces to cover my own back.

Fundamental elements: there is a time jump or jumps, place jumps and words on screen including a number. There is background music being used at some points in this title and it does nothing for the film whatsoever and how could I forget the mental imagery flashback thing or the slow-motion effects [these elements are tedious.] But I have more to say there are cultural elements as well without subtitles, then again to annoy me they use subtitles in one scene and just for the record I wasn't paying attention to what was being said, because I just gave up with this film.

Action sequences: they range from weapons being used  to combat sequences to other things. The bus sequence and everything in this sequence of events is good.

Performances: generally speaking they are poor.

This film receives: 2/10, to be honest I was tempted to give this film a 1, but because there is one action sequence I liked and there is a rabbit in this title which I also liked this project gets the marking it has been given [on a side note yes there are some recent reviews I have openly said I have gone back and replayed this or that scene, I will only do this once in a while or if it brings my attention to something I should put in the review, so if I miss little bits and pieces for some reason it is no big problem and I will not take any marking off for this unless it is down to the project in question,] for an example with this project in a nutshell I kept getting annoyed with it for many different reasons as you can see.

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