Thursday 8 March 2018

Labyrinth 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Labyrinth 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good, but it does have some downsides to it as well.

Fundamental elements: there are place jumps and there are music elements including singing from David Bowie   [which I will discuss more later on in this review.] The movement of this title is all over the place, you see for me it comes down to one character being on screen [which I am not being lazy but I will discuss this more later on as well,] but for now, I will put it like this; when this character/performer is on screen this film moves much better in every way.

Storyline/Puppet characters: I did get a little bit confused when the Goblin King, says something to the effect of " I think I will call him Jareth, because he has my eyes." To be perfectly honest I was under the impression he said a different name but I went back and listened [just for the record this has nothing to do with the performer who said this; because he was just saying what was in the script.] But the more I was thinking about it I was becoming irritated, because technically if he was going to give another character that name shouldn't it be Jareth Junior or Prince Jareth, but moving on now I have to be very careful on how I put my next point, so in a nutshell it has been many years since I have last seen this project [before watching it to dictate this review,] but with that being said I just don't like how this film ends, it is just very basic and very cheesy [I would like to say more, but I don't want to give too much away,] let's just say they could have came up with something better than what they did.

The Puppet characters, I don't know what to say about these characters because there is at least one occasion where I had to replay a scene to completely understand what this character was saying, whilst there are some other characters which I find okay or there are some other characters I can get on with

David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King: this performer makes this project, without him this film would have really struggled, because his stage presence, dialogue, visual looks and everything else makes a massive impact. He just grabs this film and makes it roll forward quicker with a better feel to it every time he is on screen, now moving on to the music elements including singing from David Bowie are excellent for two reasons, the music elements seem to fit well with what is happening at that point in the project and the second reason is David Bowie singing is always great to see or to hear.

This film receives: 7/10, there are many other things I could discuss but I think I will leave it there, because as everyone should know by now I don't discuss everything in a project I review, but taking everything into consideration this number feels right.

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