Tuesday 13 March 2018

Dazed and Confused 1993/1994 by AverageMansReviews

Dazed and Confused 1993/1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: in a nutshell this title is good.

Fundamental elements/Weapons being used: there are words and numbers on screen; I think some slow-motion effects are being used at some points. The background music is a consistent theme but a good consistent theme and the general movement of this title, well it gets better the more you watch of this project, moving on yes usually I would put weapons being used and those kinds of things in a separate paragraph, but as it relates to this project there isn't enough for me to put it in its own separate paragraph, the only thing I can say about these elements are there are weapons being used.

Storyline/Comedy elements: now without giving too much away I see this film as a drama based around coming-of-age as some of these characters are dealing with becoming freshmen [I hope I have used the right terminology here,] now to be honest I didn't find this film that funny, but because of the storyline it is one of those occasions where on reflection if I was to see this film as a comedy I would have to take some more marks off, there was a point where I was considering doing this; but at some point it just turned itself around, the reason why I have said at some point is because I am not sure at what point this happens but it does happen where things settle down and put more time into the coming-of-age things and perhaps using the comedy elements in the dialogue now and again.

Performances: generally speaking they are all good, but it does feel like these performers grew into their performances, meaning there were some dialogue exchanges where I missed them or other bits and pieces to be fair to myself there is a character [well there are quite a few characters that like two substances or three if you include cigarettes,] but my point is this; sometimes the viewers can tell this character likes his substances because of the way he speaks. But in the interest of fairness and balance their dialogue exchanges once again get better the more you watch of this project as in one way or another they talk about things that really matter or then again drinking more or something to this effect.

This film receives:7/10, this project has some similarities to The Breakfast Club 1985 film, from the perspective of you have many characters in this title just trying to find out who they are as people be it physically or mentally getting older or choosing a life path.

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