Thursday 22 February 2018

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 74: The Battle for Baja by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 74: The Battle for Baja by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Racing elements/Action sequences: these elements are good

Character developments: now at the beginning of this episode and at different stages there are elements to suggest that if these two characters were not on two different sides, they may have in another world got along [okay when you come to watch this episode if these two characters were on the same side anyway, there connection to one another would have been hit or miss as it relates to them getting along. The reason why I am discussing this in such depth is to make this point; why do this kind of groundwork for future episodes when there is only one episode left.

Underground elements: these elements are good as well

Ending message: in a nutshell it is this; if you smell gas firstly open a window, secondly call the Gas Company and finally and most importantly don't light a match. This is another occasion where I should just say this; disclaimer if anything goes wrong in any of these situations, I will not be held responsible I am just simply talking about these ending messages and nothing more.

This episode receives: 60% approval, this episode is comfortably interesting throughout.

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