Wednesday 21 February 2018

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 71: Challenge of the Masters by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 71: Challenge of the Masters by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

4 things about this episode

Racing elements/Action sequences: these elements are good and I think I may have pointed out in one previous review, that I wasn't too sure if Alex Sector had a new weapon system [Tollbooth thing, I would like to say vehicle with that as well.] Because it must be able to if it is in this episode.

No-show list: Scott, T-Bob, the M.A.S.K. computer and this is just a little list.

Ending message: in this case I will have to make a small adaption to this ending message [but it will make sense,] in a nutshell it is this; in case of real emergencies call 911 [in the US] or 999 [in the UK,] it feels like one of those occasions where I should say this; this is a disclaimer if anyone should use these two numbers, I will not be held responsible for any actions, I am just simply pointing out this ending message.

This episode receives: 53% approval, I don't know what to say really, because I have either said it before as it relates to the recent previous episodes, but it is either this TV program has nothing left to give us as it relates to completely different storylines, the M.A.S.K. computer back and many other things so yes we will get over the finishing line [meaning the end of this TV program] but very, very slowly [on a side note I have decided to just do four things about this episode, because I haven't done a different number of things for some time, the different numbers being 3 or 4 or 5 things.]

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