Wednesday 21 February 2018

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 70: Race Against Time by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 8] Episode 70: Race Against Time by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Racing elements/Action sequences: these elements are good.

Masks off: well I don't know what to say really, because in this episode characters of M.A.S.K. and V.E.N.O.M. [apparently this stands for Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem] I have looked on some websites for this full name, but my point is this; I think most of these characters used in this episode now know what they look like underneath their masks which if you have been reading these reviews of this TV series, this kind of thing really irritates me. Because what is the point of wearing these masks if you are going to take them off in front of your adversary or anybody or have your son say something to the effect of "Dad" or anything else you can think of, I mean it just makes no sense and it just really, really, really irritates me and whilst I am on the subject of masks I think Miles Mayhem [the leader of V.E.N.O.M] has three different kinds, I could be wrong but what I can remember he has three of them and I have forgotten how many Matt Tracker has [ the leader of M.A.S.K.] but then again what is the point of having them, if you are going to show your face off anyway, okay I will stop making this point now.

No-show list: Scott, T-Bob, the M.A.S.K. computer and this is just a small list

Ending message: I think there are two ending messages here, the first one is where a M.A.S.K. character says something to the effect of I cannot tell a lie and then tells the truth to another  M.A.S.K. character [there three  M.A.S.K. characters in this situation,] then moving on two of the three  M.A.S.K. characters from the previous scene are talking about this; if you plug too many things into the socket, you may overload the system and one of these two characters says this little rhyme of if it overload it may explode.

This episode receives: 48% approval, now don't get me wrong there are some good elements in this episode, but the whole masks off thing, well it just didn't sit too well with me.

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