Monday 26 February 2018

Lethal Weapon 4 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Lethal Weapon 4 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film title is the weakest out of the four films [starring Mel Gibson as Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as Roger Murtaugh.] Now don't get me wrong this film is consistently interesting, but this is not one of those film titles that I can watch to often, there needs to be a certain amount of time before I may sit down and watch it again.

Fundamental elements: there is a time jump, place jumps words on screen,  there are cultural elements including subtitles which if you look close but not too close, I think there are some occasions where the subtitles are not being used when another character is speaking another language I could be wrong. But when the subtitles are on screen there are of decent size and white, but after some time I was struggling to read them, maybe they were too quick on and off screen I don't know, moving on there is this background music used in this title it is just there really and nothing more.

Comedy level: this element is consistently being used in different ways, be it in the dialogue exchanges or these scenes; talking about mobile telephones or the dentist scenes [where we have some characters trying to get some information out of another character,] these elements are funny.

Action sequences: these scenes or sequences are reliably entertaining with plenty of weapons being used, combat elements or chasing or something else.

Performances: they are all okay, you know what I mean, there isn't anything wrong with them, such as maturing the returning characters or using their character developments or chemistry to make this film feel like a Lethal Weapon film and the newcomers are reliable as well.

This film receives: 6/10, now as I was previously saying using their character developments or chemistry to make this film feel like a Lethal Weapon film what I meant by this is this; the first three films of this franchise feel like a Lethal Weapon film or films but this one now and again feels like it is having to work hard to be a Lethal Weapon film

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