Thursday 25 January 2018

Sgt. Bilko 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Sgt. Bilko 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is straightforward, but decent viewing.

Storyline/Storyteller/Fundamental core: the storyline is okay, our lead character tells other characters the story about one other character and himself and this storyline element is okay as well. But moving on the fundamental core to this title is something that just works, it is one of those fundamental core's that has background music [the viewers know it is there, place jumps and I think some time jumps.

Comedy level: it is well-placed throughout and it is good

Cast: they all do a good job, working off one another and keep this film moving forward.

This film receives: 57% approval, yes I am very much aware I haven't said too much about this film, it is because this film comes from those kinds of films where from beginning to end it knows what it is and it knows what it is doing and it doesn't shake away from the plan [it just means on one hand you could put this title on for a lazy Sunday afternoon and on the other hand it doesn't give me too much to talk about.]

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