Monday 1 January 2018

Captain America: The First Avenger 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Captain America: The First Avenger 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: my opinions on this project are mixed.

Subtitles: I am sure there are just one or two occasions where there are some characters speaking a different language and there are no subtitles [yes in one case we have one character saying something to the effect of "We're in" after the dialogue exchange with another language.] But it would have been nice to actually see what was being said.

Fundamental core: I don't know what it is about this film title, but it does feel much longer than just 124 minutes, I am thinking they should have shortened the scenes or sequences where Steve Rogers/Captain America was a performer be it in films or stage or something else, maybe by doing this; this film would have a better movement to it.

Cast: I like this cast, their performances are very good to excellent, everyone knows their characters really well and their dialogue exchanges are free-flowing and when it is appropriate there are some natural elements of their personality traits put across in these exchanges as well.

On a side note Agent Carter [or Marvel's Agent Carter 2015/16] should have been given a third season [maybe 8 episodes,] just to give it a complete ending, because it was absolutely fantastic [yes it is confession time, I recently had to stop watching the first season again, because my memory is that good, that I could remember most things about it so I need to give it more time before watching it again.] But my point is still valid, it offers so much like for some examples, from an artistic vision perspective it looks great on every level, a strong yet incredibly likable lead character/performance by [Hayley Atwell,] the storylines were and are interesting and there are many other things to like about this TV program, eventually I would like to get these two seasons on DVD.

Action sequences: these elements many and they are good.

Artistic visions: they are well placed throughout this project it could be the landscapes or the accessories or the costumes or anything really. The visual element or elements to this project are really eye-catching, there is always something to see or to experience and they make the audience feel as if they are backing this time in history, I feel comfortable suggesting if I had to put the two strongest consistent elements down in the right order [for me.] I would put the cast in the first place and the artistic visions just in second place [I want to say this again just in second place meaning they are right behind the cast] and everything else in long distant third or fourth positions and so on and so forth.

This film receives: 70% approval, this percentage is based on everything so from an overview perspective, this film is good but to be fair there is a reason why I have only seen this film no more than three times at this point in my life in 2017 and I think that reason may be this; yes the cast and the artistic visions keeps the audience's attentions but everything else about this project at some point or another becomes tedious or slightly boring and then becomes good again or then again it may become slightly boring again depending where you are in the film.

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