Tuesday 5 December 2017

American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt 1989 by AverageMansReviews

American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is just hard work to watch.

Time jumps/Place jumps/Background music/
Cultural elements/Fundamental core: I am at least 75% sure that there are three different time jumps and three different place jumps, on a side note the reason why my percentage of being sure is good yes but not great, it is because these time jumps and place jumps all happen in such a short time in the film [there are also numbers and words on screen telling you where you are roughly.]

The background music, well all I can say about this element would be this; the audience will know when it is being used, there are cultural elements, the fundamental core is not enjoyable in the slightest, I had to have many breaks just to get through this project.

Flying vehicles sequence/Car chase sequence: these elements are interesting and good to watch.

Science-fiction elements: these elements are also okay.

Action sequences: there is a good underwater sequence, but putting that to one side for a minute there are plenty of combat sequences, weapons being used and some training sequences.

Cast: I have no idea what I am going to say here, because there are some occasions where the dialogue exchanges and character developments are weak and really boring to the point where I had to really concentrate on what they were saying just to make sure I heard it and to stay connected to the project and yes there are even sometimes where I didn't hear it or I caught half of what was being said, but I just kept moving forward with the project.

This film receives: 18% approval, now there are other elements I could have discussed in this review but as everyone should know by now I don't discuss every element of every project I review, but back to this film yes it does have some okay to good elements but from an overview perspective this film is so boring.

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