Friday 1 September 2017

Mad Max 1979 by AverageMansReviews

Mad Max 1979 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now regardless of how old this film gets, it is still entertaining in 2017 [when this review was dictated,] the only annoying thing was I had to stop it twice because something came up.

Storyline/Character developments: I really do like this storyline, yes it may be basic by today's standards but it works incredibly well and for the character developments, I can't say too much because it is a major storyline point but what I can say is this; it is a swift transformation that beautifully shows to the audience the intensity of the situation at this precise moment in this film, it also illustrates this individual will not live his life anymore, but just survive it instead.

Action/Road sequences: they are still lots and lots of fun, plenty of weapons being used, road accidents and many other things. In a nutshell it is a mixture between the storyline knowing what it is doing from beginning to end including the action/road sequences, the dialogue exchanges and other elements to why this film is going to receive a very high percentage of approval from me.

Background music: because this film is from the very late 1970's to early 1980's it was common or a consistent theme where you would have background music of this nature in this case to intensify the emotions of that scene or something else to that effect. So politely with that being said; I cannot really take any percentages off, because it is essentially doing what it is meant to do, but trust me there may be other film titles that use this method so badly that I will have to take off some percentages in the future.

This film receives: 100% approval simply put; this film is a classic and you should see it once in your lifetime.

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