Friday 25 August 2017

The House of Magic 2013 [alternative name Thunder and The House of Magic] by AverageMansReviews

The House of Magic 2013 [alternative name Thunder and The House of Magic] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now this film is good, but it is quite tedious in certain elements.

Artistic visions: they are well shown throughout this project as there are many things to see, but I prefer the artistic visions from our lead character's perspective [everything he sees we the audience see it as well through his eyes,] it just makes the audience viewing experience a little bit more engaging with what is happening on screen at that specific time.

Storyline/Character developments: these two elements of this film are either really straightforward or so boring. I mean the storyline doesn't have too much to it and the character developments are quite painful to watch as the audience can see everything coming from miles and miles away on both counts.

This film receives: 66% approval, now to be fair the artistic visions show some great imagination in this project, hence why this film title gets the percentage of approval it does, but everything else is a big miss or a little positive, on a side note I had to stop this film half way through, something came up.

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