Saturday 26 August 2017

X-Men 2000 by AverageMansReviews

X-Men 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now I have always found it difficult to put a percentage of approval to this project, based on the facts that it does what it is meant to do [to begin this franchise, introduced us the audience to these characters, with a reasonable storyline and many other bits and pieces.] But to be fair as I have gotten older [even when I was younger I had this feeling, but I didn't know what it was,] that if you look closely but not too closely at this project, you can see and kind of feel which characters they wanted their audiences to get invested in more [potentially for later film titles.]

Here is just some examples of what I mean, first the one's given more details Wolverine, Magneto, Prof. Xavier, Jean Grey, Rogue and Mystique [please remember these are just a handful of examples.]

Here are some of the one's that didn't get much of anything really [they are there in this film, but no way as detailed in every way.] Cyclops; now it has to be said I have never been a fan of this character regardless if I was 10 years old or now in my middle 30's when this review was dictated. But having said that even from an unbiased perspective, I do feel that this character really did get unfairly treated, because whenever he is on screen everything he says or does is just so annoying and this is not my personal opinion speaking here, these are just the facts there is just nothing for me to point out and say "Oh that was good."

Sabretooth, all I am going to say is this; they really didn't do this character any justice whatsoever and whilst I am on the subject what was the point of Toad being in this film, seriously are you telling me they couldn't think of a better character to use.

On a side note, this is very important as it relates to Storm, for me she is somewhere between these two groupings, yes now and again she does get her fair share of character developments and so on and so forth, but from my perspective if I had to put her on a scale I would feel comfortable suggesting just behind the characters in my first grouping.

Fundamental core/Action sequences: now there was a very specific reason I did my review like this and it is to make this point. Depending on which characters are in a scene or sequence is depending on how the film is going at that point, for an example Wolverine and Prof. Xavier [sharing a dialogue exchange,] these scenes have a good feel to them as in they are interesting and they move the film forward without any problems and more importantly with some kind of enthusiasm.

But as soon as they add one or more characters from [the one's that didn't get much of anything really,] the scene or sequence begins to drag its feet a little or a lot depending how long the scene or sequence is

The same can be said for the action sequences for another example Mustique vs. Wolverine [they are excellent fun and well put together,] but in a nutshell [because I don't like repeating myself,] the sequences including the special-effects with the characters that didn't get much attention in this project, they look really cheap, really tacky and because this film is getting older their sequences aren't looking that good, but in the interest of fairness Storm's sequences look fine.

This film receives: 68% approval, don't get me wrong this film is good but as I may have clearly pointed it out in this review, it does have its problems.

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