Monday 28 August 2017

Max Payne 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Max Payne 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is just terrible.

Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis: have a good connection on screen; these two performers are the only positives to this project.

Everything else: well everyone should know by now, yes usually I would give you a little bit more detail by sectioning off some elements and discussing them. But in this case I just can't do that because this film is rubbish, I mean the action sequences are really uninspiring and incredibly tedious, yes absolutely there are plenty of weapons being used and so on, but once you have seen one action-packed sequence you have seen them all in one way or another.

The fundamental core to this project, well this film moves so slowly that I was really close to falling asleep in my wheelchair, what can I say "I really don't like this project."

After some closing credits: there is this sequence of events, to suggest there may be a sequel but on my research the only thing that consistently came up was Max Payne: Retribution 2017 [roughly 43 minutes long,] I have never seen this film I didn't know it existed until my research [because I deal with facts, it is unclear to me if these films are connected or not or if it is a standalone film title or whatever.] My point is this; I am not convinced that these two film titles are connected which makes this small sequence of events in this project useless.

This film receives: 18% approval, this film receives this percentage only based on Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, because without them this film would have received much less.

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