Tuesday 29 August 2017

Hitman 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Hitman 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film for me is mixed.

Timothy Olyphant and Olga Kurylenko: have good chemistry on screen and their dialogue exchanges are interesting at every stage of this project [when they are consistently working off one another.] On a side note Timothy Olyphant as Agent 47 does this character justice not only in his physical appearance, but his mannerisms, how he mentally approaches things with this very clinical approach and many other things on top of that.

Action sequences: well they are action, action and more action, they is a good mixture between many weapons being used, hand to hand combat and explosions and so on and so forth.

Subtitles/Flashbacks: the subtitles are okay, now you may be wondering where are the downsides to this project, well to put it politely here we go. The flashbacks [including the growing up sequences at the beginning of this project] are cheesy and annoying; they just do nothing for me.

Remaining characters; now with putting two characters to one side for a minute, the rest of the characters throughout this project are really boring, you can see everything coming from miles and miles away. Now I don't know if it was to do with the script that these characters come across as very poor or it was the performers themselves. I prefer to say it was the script, because I could see at some stages, the performers themselves just didn't have much to work with and consequently it just made their scenes feel empty or as I have already said really boring or predictable.

This film receives: 57% approval, now if there are any fans of Timothy Olyphant out there in Internet land, give this film a look, he really does put in a very good performance [I have to stop this film because something came up.]

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