Monday 31 July 2017

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: to begin this review I will be asking this very simple rhetorical question; I knew this sequel was going to be rubbish, but did The Fantastic Four really have to take The Silver Surfer down with them?

The Silver Surfer/Fantastic Four/Dr. Doom: The Silver Surfer is interesting and I like everything in this project as long as this character is involved on screen, back in the day when this film first came out the only reason I went to go and see this film at the cinema was because of The Silver Surfer and one other character [which I will be discussing later on in this review.] I like this character so much; I am desperate to see him get his own film title.

How can I put this nicely; this character [The Silver Surfer] throughout this title feels and looks like he is being sensible or serious and compared to the rest of the characters [sadly I have to include Dr. Doom in this point as well,] they are continuously attempting to be immature or comical or basically their character developments have not been matured much from the previous film title.

It should be noted I wasn't looking for anything major as it relates to their character developments, but something a little bit more better than what we had in one way or another from these returning characters, you see for at least 95% of this title their character developments are really repetitive and then suddenly, there is one dialogue exchange between two characters, there is one comment that one character maybe maturing and there are some hints towards the last couple of scenes that these characters may or may not be maturing, I would like to tell you that in the third film title we get better rounded characters, but the only problem with this point is there isn't a third film title [so it makes these potential character developments absolutely pointless.]

Galactus: well they really did this character no justice whatsoever, instead of him having this main event ominous stature to him, they firstly make him look like a case of incredibly bad weather is coming to Earth and secondly we don't actually physically see him in this film [minus maybe some shadows and maybe other little details,] yes just for the record I am clutching at straws. But to be fair this film doesn't give me too much to work with in the first place as it relates to this character, I mean he doesn't even speak either which infuriates me.

This film receives: 20% approval, all you need to know about this film is this; The Silver Surfer is the best thing about this project, by some distance and even though it was brief having The Silver Surfer and Galactus on screen was good [yes once again I am clutching at straws,] they should have really spent more time focusing on this relationship, because it would have made this sequel much, much more interesting and on a side note this film took me two sittings in one day to get through it all from beginning to end.

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