Sunday 23 July 2017

A Million Ways to Die in the West 2014 by AverageMansReviews

A Million Ways to Die in the West 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: on one hand this film has moments which can be considered likable, but on the other hand it can be really juvenile for large amounts as well.

Seth MacFarlane/Charlize Theron/Liam Neeson: Seth and Charlize share good chemistry on screen, the comedy elements between them are funny and entertaining. Liam Neeson, it is always good to see this performer in a film title.

Comedy flavour [for the rest of it:] is the main reason why this film took me two sittings in one day to get through it all, now don't get me wrong as I may have said in previous reviews, I do have an in depth sense of humour and yes in the interest of fairness I did find bits and pieces slightly funny, but most of it is lowbrow and immature.

Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown: an honourable mention has to go out to this performer and his legendary character, I found this brief sequence to be very fitting [as Back to the Future Part III 1990 has a similar backdrop of a western theme] and whilst I am on the subject please don't reboot or remake or in plain English just don't touch this franchise any time in the past, present or future.

This film receives: 30% approval, this figure seems to be just about right taking everything into consideration, anyway you look about it the audience has to put up with this juvenile comedy flavour which it has massive amounts of throughout this adventure.

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