Saturday 22 July 2017

Riddick 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Riddick 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent, but there is one massive detail which irritates me more and more every time I have seen this film title and it would be this; the character developments of every single character that are trying to capture Riddick are predictable and not progressive [based on the fact this would be the third film title in this franchise] and some of these characters seem to believe they can capture Riddick without too much difficulty, yes we have some characters talking about Riddick's history but they still don't adapt their approach to him.

Characters hunting Riddick: [putting one character to one side for a minute; Diaz,]  they don't have to like him, it would have been nice to see these characters from a professional standpoint respect him, instead of spending a decent amount of this project being almost surprised by Riddick's behaviour and strategies.

Artistic visions: absolutely amazing it captures the audience's attention straightaway with the landscapes and the atmosphere controls of this planet, as soon as we meet up with our old criminal/scavenger friend Riddick, we understand that this place is going to be a difficult place to survive in, you can forget living but if we are lucky Riddick will survive long enough to take us on this journey with him.

Even the night time sequences have a different intensity to them, don't get me wrong the day time sequences have their own problems [creatures hunting,] but if I had to pick one to travel and when to stay somewhere safe [travel by day and hide up somewhere at night,] because the night time sequences seem to be more chaotic and yes they even have their own artistic flavours as well, which are impactful on a big scale.

Action sequences/Riddick/Diaz: they are entertaining; lightning quick and there are plenty of weapons being used. Riddick has been aged properly as it relates to his character developments, so this character doesn't seem to look or feel stale in the slightest; in fact he looks like he can still go for a few more rounds yet. Dave Bautista as Diaz, yes I have somewhat criticized the hunting characters and I am standing by that, but this performer stands out from these characters, he puts in a good performance.

This film receives: 88% approval, this film is excellent fun, but after some time I found the majority of the hunting characters to be quite annoying, like I have said already, if they showed Riddick a little bit more respect or took into consideration his dangerous skills or high intelligence levels [to adapt to any situation he should find himself in] I would have been more willing to look at a higher percentage of approval.

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