Saturday 10 June 2017

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 2016 by AverageMansReviews

This sequel is unrecognizable from its predecessor, meaning if you look at the percentage of approval from its predecessor to this one from my perspective you will see a massive drop in the approval ratings.

Review Time: wow this sequel is almost a cliché of what an action-packed film title looks like today; I mean I don't know how I am going to stretch this review out, just to give you something interesting to read. But I will try my best nonetheless; the atmosphere controls are very ordinary, which is very disappointing because the original instalment has a beautiful dark atmosphere and other elements to make it stand out a little.

Action sequences: the sequences are reliably hard-hitting and somewhat quick now and again throughout the project, but that is about it really.

Storyline: nothing too major to write here or in my case dictate, the script comes from the origins of the basic sequel storyline, you know the kind of script that doesn't take too much imagination to come up with or just about covers enough character development for the lead character in this film franchise [to show some kind of progression or the lead character showing signs of getting older or something to that effect.]

This film receives: 40% approval, it just about does everything to an okay standard but if you are expecting something gripping and exciting I would suggest you go and watch the 2012 version of this franchise.

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