Thursday 8 June 2017

Jack Reacher 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Jack Reacher 2012 by AverageMansReviews

I should have said this in my first blog, but I didn't want to overload my readers with too much information in one go, depending on what project I am reviewing is very much depending on which way I choose to dictate my blogs [you will find out what this means at some point in the future.]

Review Time: this film is fantastic, it has a well grounded storyline which slowly unravels itself, the atmosphere controls are intensely dark and slow building throughout this project, the scene consistencies are likewise sturdy and functional.

Action sequences: firstly sleek, secondly well constructed to be entertaining and well thought out from beginning to end of their time on screen.

Performances [of a positive nature:] Tom Cruise leads this cast as a quiet yet intimidating character, as if to say "If I want you I will get you, but if I don't want you, get out of my way." Rosamund Pike, does a fantastic job of balancing out the chemistry/dialogue exchanges between Tom Cruise and herself [it is essentially something like this; Cruise is on one side of the coin, whilst Pike is on the other.] But they are working together I have to say that their chemistry is very interesting [it would be good to see these two performers work on another film project in the future.] Robert Duvall, well it is always good to see this performer on the big screen.

Other performers/Character developments: these characters are a standard model of what they should be, for an example you see a bad guy somewhere in this film and that is what they are, they are just isn't enough character developments to make these characters stand out

This film receives:  96% approval, an entertaining, dark, action film, even with the tiny problems which you may find in this title, the three performers I have mentioned in this review, kind of cover-up any shortcomings that this project has.

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