Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [Season 2,] Episode 67: The Comeback Kid by AverageMansReviews
Review Time
5 things about this episode
Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/bodily
Let's just get this done: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action
and Art; this match for Kidd is still having a hard time in this match up, it
is going to be difficult to see him progressing. What the hell was this
character development about? On one hand I was really on board for this leg
strap, because it fits in with wrestling everyone with me so far? But on the
other hand when it started glowing like the fleece from Sinbad and the Golden
Fleece, I was like Oh hell to the No. Yes I am very much aware they have done
other mystical things in one way or another, in this TV program up to this
point anyway, where it fitted in with what they were go with, but in this
specific situation; it is and was one step too far well for me anyway. Kidd performs
this: a reverse spinal crack a mid air suplex and excellent animation to show
this mini sequence of events.
This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good; but this is consistently no
way near where things were roughly speaking from the first season and boy howdy
how it is showing, so I am happy that we just have 10 episodes to go.
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