Monday, 24 February 2025

The Tessa Blanchard Problem for TNA & NXT 2025 by AverageMansReviews

The Tessa Blanchard Problem for TNA & NXT 2025 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Hulk Hogan's return to WWE Raw on Netflix on Monday 06/01/2025 Link and then In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Link

Warning: there will be the usage of softer censored adult language

Let's just get on with this shell we?: This content is being created off the back of a couple of days ago I think I saw somebody put up the post basically asking when do you think Blanchard will show up on NXT? Now at the time I just wanted to quickly get away from the post, based on I felt slightly urinated off. Yes before I continue I am very much aware that everyone is entitled to whatever they want to do within reason, but having said that; I felt this individual had completely missed out on the recent Terry Bollea a.k.a. Hulk Hogan appearance backlash. You know he turned up in it was very clear that the majority of the audience didn't want anything to do with him and to be fair the people in live attendance over in TNA have been likewise very vocal about not wanting Blanchard either with them calling her a racist, I mean it has been well told that some individuals were either not wanted her back or at minimum greatly concerned about having a back based on her racist history.

So my obvious point would be this; why would the WWE restrict Bollea's involvement to video packages of any description including but not limited to historic documentaries basically anything that doesn't involve him being live, but then to potentially have Blanchard that will garner the same reaction, now just to cover my back I am not saying that there is a possibility they would not have her show up at some point, but I'm stating here, that it would be stupid and an unnecessary headache, as I should imagine TNA are now finding out. Yes I don't watch this wrestling promotion, but over the recent past of her comeback to this promotion in the very late stages of 2024, I have seen video clips going around social media of her rightly so receiving go away heat and based on the very limited clips I hope they are not thinking of doing what I think they are thinking of doing straight away, I would like to say that I would like them never to put any championship on her again. But we all know that is a unrealistic, so I will take just for now, don't put the TNA Knockouts World Championship on her.

I mean there is an argument that any time will not be a good time, I'm saying that you really, really, really should not give off the impression that she can just walk back into TNA and be given a championship, as it will really jar the fan base off.

But then again the WWE have a similar problem with Charlotte Flair from the aspect of as soon as she comes back she gets things handed to her like the Women's Royal Rumble Match 2025 Winner and to speed this up she probably will defeat Tiffany Stretton and become the new WWE Woman's Champion at Wrestle Mania 41/2025: which will make Flair a 15 times women's world champion [I know I was being hopeful as it relates to my Royal Rumble predictions that she would put over Stratton, that was hopeful thinking and what I have seen this feud building heading towards Mania, so far it has been complete garbage, I already have very little interest in seeing it already:] but I digress; so can we just give it to her another three times so we she is a 17 time champion, that way she can hurry up and retire, I mean minus these world championships, the other record she is trying to break of her father [Ric Flair's] is divorces: Ric 16 world championships and 4 divorces, Charlotte 14 world championships and as of this content being created 3 divorces. But to finish off these two promotions individually or together are going to do what they are going to do, I just wanted to point out this content before things potentially going down this way, because people will say it is easier to say after the fact or in this case facts.


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