Thursday, 7 November 2024

WWE Hall of Famer/Convicted Felon is now back in the White House 2024 by AverageMansReviews

WWE Hall of Famer/Convicted Felon is now back in the White House 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Keep this WWE Hall of Famer out of the White House 2024 Link

Warning/Disclaimer: there will be the usage of softer censored adult language, I am not a racist or/neither trans-phobic or harm to others.

Okay I will just be saying it as it is based on my opinion: so last night [Tuesday 05/11/2024] America had this massive opportunity to turnover a new page in their history books and write something progressive in it; but did they do that? Did they balls! Did they say to No I elected President Donald Trump; No we will not tolerate your hatred for all kinds, furthermore we will not tolerate your misinformation, not forgetting you are a convicted felon so if a convicted felon doesn't have the right to vote what the hell are you doing running for the Oval Office in the first place? Furthermore I want to stand up for girls/women, minorities and those of the rainbow community as they are a part of the United States of America and not forgetting the massive fact that the United States of America minus the Native Americans, you are all related from/connected to immigrants. Look what should have happened in my honest opinion and trying to curve my language is that you should have all had an agreement with yourselves that for this one-time for just this one time, just this one fudgin' time I'm going to put my personal needs to one side and put someone else first, even though you may not like the Democrats; this situation was big enough for you to pause your dislike and go you know what; I have been here before and this time I am aware of what Trump is like, maybe under the Democrats it has been hard work, but I would rather stay with the devil I knew over this embodiment of the devil I don't want to see again.

What they have learnt over the past two weeks is that economically the Democrats have been doing okay, there has been a little bit of growth. Now whenever a supporter of Trump gets asked respectfully why are you voting for Trump? They usually say the economy and when the person asking the question points out that the economy is okay under the Democrats; there seems to be nothing coming back other than the economy, the economy from this Trump supporter. My point here is this; I maybe from the UK but if you're US economy is doing okay I would suggest you don't rock the boat and of course it's going to be hard, because I'm just speculating here with possibly a small, ever so small but massive fact and no I'm not the economy expert but I should imagine after COVID-19, you know that little thing that you're returning commander-in-chief denied the economy is going to need some time to recover from.

So if I have offended some of you American people; which I can guarantee some of you are thinking what the hell is this British guy talking about as he doesn't live here? Now this British guy has been through a thing called Brexit in 2016 which like this election very much divided and destroyed my country, but from a financial perspective; it has left us on our knees, because essentially like you Republicans and others that voted for President Donald Trump for the second time; you were/are under the impression that he is the better option, with him basing some things around immigration which is also conveniently a heavy section of immigration was based around Brexit and basically making Britain great again, doesn't that sound strangely familiar? But the fact is both of our countries need immigrants as like America we have a lot of immigrants here that are born or come over here to work and the vast majority are good and honest people; obviously I do believe that we need to keep a check on immigration for health and safety to all, but for those that don't live here like it or not immigration is the backbone of the United Kingdom; you name it they do it. So as you can clearly understand I know I would say it the novice level of immigration; as I have already illustrated you can see the importance to the UK way of life so as you can tell; after Brexit telling them to essentially go home was not the most smartest moves and then of course like the US  we had COVID-19 which left us and our knees again with the stories circulating that the government in power at the time; better known as the Conservative party/Tory party were breaking their own rules and let's just say going through a lot of money in one way or another.

This may be a long route to make this point; if you were finding times hard work under the Democrats I have just shown what it is like in the UK and I believe the economical experts as it relates to Trump's economical plans when they say it would be disastrous.

So moving on; men/person first of all I don't care about ethnicity or sexual orientation or person; you know full well that at minimum it has been alleged of Trump's treatment of women has been disgraceful; so are you okay with men at minimum being inappropriate with your mother, daughter or son or other? Furthermore are you okay with your daughter not getting the right to choose to do what they like with their own bodies? Because by your actions this would be a yes [broadly speaking]

So moving on; women/person I don't care about ethnicity or sexual orientation or person; you know full well that at minimum it has been alleged of Trump's treatment of women has been disgraceful; so are you okay with men at minimum being inappropriate with your mother, daughter or yourself other and you must be okay with not having the right to choose what to do with your body? So in theory you must be absolutely fine with me saying it is only a matter of time before I can tell you to hurry up and get back in the kitchen where you belong? Now the smart people out there would say; fair point because he doesn't mean it, but his point is valid, because if we can have a President of the United States of America systematically taking away our rights and also not forgetting saying it is okay to grab women by the vagina [yes I slightly adapted one word,] then his level of theoretical misogyny is acceptable based on the new President is so much worse.

I have to do this on the basis of equality now if it should happen that anyone from the rainbow community voted for this new President my question is simply why? I mean the only questionable things I have said about the rainbow community is I generally disagree with children being transgender or putting them in unsuitable sexual orientated environments based [meaning because I am aware that in the modern world you can't say anything without creating controversy; if you are going to be around children just tone it down that is all I am saying here] on two massive reasons; they are children so they should be allowed to be children for as long as suitably possible, incidentally for myself I did not have much of a childhood and was put in a very adult situation which did rob me of many milestones which has very much impacted on me as an adult and on top of that you are aware that children can't drink alcohol right? They cannot vote right? They can not drive a car right? So how can they handle the concept of gender? Now back in the 80's and 90's people came out as gay, lesbian or bisexual and in some cases you could see it naturally like Boy George, so if I had a child that was from the rainbow community and I could see signs of lifestyle preferences then I would when their age is right or give them the age-appropriate version of what they could be potentially going through; I am open-minded mixed with a moral concept, this basically means nurturing the person without burdening them with too much too early or eventually discussing permanent options if that is something they want to do. I mean if you want me to be completely honest and this is not a white guy Caucasian man thing, and they disabled individual thing where for an example in my country, they are now making the disabled toilets/babies and children toilets to now include those of the rainbow community, which as this is 2024 I lazy, I mean I come from the 1980's and let me just say the disabled toilet option was not an option back then sell I had to find somewhere quiet and put a cover over my lap and do it that way, so as you can imagine I have done this many times throughout the years, but do you know what is the most saddest thing about this is? I find myself in 2024 slowly more consistently having to do this because more and more people are using the facilities [which means the toilet consistently breaks down,] which may or may not be from the rainbow community, so thank you for making my life and others a little bit more harder than it needs to be again, yes people still used my designated facilities before this, but hell no it was it as much as it is in the present times, I remember just having to go to the bathroom somewhere else because of a list two building or a flight of stairs or something in the way, you see everyone from before my generation, my generation well we really had to make do with what we had, so when we wear given our own disabled toilets it was a massive deal. Now our slice of the cake has just been made thinner, so why don't these places make space for a rainbow community toilet area?But they won't do this, because taking an educated guess it is much quicker and a lot less expensive just put up an inclusion or something to this effect sign. But I digress; why vote for Trump when he is possibly/indicated going to make your life and others of the rainbow community harder?

So since I started producing this content it has come to my attention that mostly all of you voted for Donald Trump which I know is obvious considering he won, but then again I am trying not to be racial so bear with me; my question again is why? You know full well that even I know that if you are African-American you are going to get possibly shot by the police and with them having potentially fall in unity at their disposal, I mean how can I put this nicely they literally implied that they don't like you or any of you from that hate speech in Madison Square Garden. I mean I have not got a full functioning brain man yet even I got the hint that you are not liked, so if you are a immigrant which you're looking at mass deportation and even though I am not from your country and permanently disabled from birth with brain damage I should imagine that your health care will either be even more restrictive/limited or be taken back so that the most vulnerable in society that were born [so like myself they had no choice] or the ones that unfortunately became incapacitated in one way or another their lives are going to be much harder and I do believe that some point Trump will have an attempt at some form of dictatorship at some point over  the next four  years.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room; religion, I hate to break it to you but Donald Trump is only interested in getting where he wants to be, so of course he would have used religion if or when it became useful. Now I am not religious, because I see it as generally speaking a weakness that divides more than brings us closer together and regardless of what religion you follow or whatever; you are going to be slightly angry if or when you see this individual to realise that it could just be a ball of light; you will probably ask this ball of light why did you create so many different religions? Then this ball of light will say probably something to the effect of; because I wanted to see if you would realise that you can be civil it is all about freedom of choice and compromise. But back to Trump; I strongly believe anything that comes out of his mouth is to benefit him, so if he can use religion or lean on hatred to make the cracks wider he will do so and personally I can't stand those people that are celebrating his victory as if they are just thinking about themselves, which let's be honest they are just copying the new President of the United States of America's ethos, because he will put up the ladder to save him or/and make money for the elite.

So for those that voted this convicted felon back into the White House I hope you are happy serving the Caucasian man, because that is what you will get and for those that voted for this not to happen I am so sorry that you have to go through this every day, because one of the lingering effects of Brexit is it is more acceptable to be racist or discriminating or prejudiced against disabled people/mentally ill people so even before 2016 life wasn't brilliant beforehand I acknowledge that. But after this decision things as I have just said have became more and more acceptable so I have to just put up with it like many others and remember I know this is off very little comfort and consolation but you were/are on the right side of history, so you can tell the next generation/generations; at the time we tried, but people were thinking about themselves and their own greed instead of holding themselves to a moral higher standing; which forgive me if I am wrong I thought that was the whole concept of Christianity holding yourself to a better standard without the arrogance? But just keep holding on to; we fudgin' tried and keep supporting each other the best way you know how without being violent, so we can all get through this shish kebab together, because as President of the United States of America again we all have to deal with his shish kebab on the global stage now.




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