Thursday, 31 October 2024

Keep this WWE Hall of Famer out of the White House 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Keep this WWE Hall of Famer out of the White House 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Disclaimer: there will be the usage of softer censored adult language

I feel I should say something: now over the past couple of days or more I have been hearing/seeing bits and pieces of Donald Trump's election rally at the home of wrestling Madison Square Garden some days ago where in one way or another it was racist among other troop where 9.5 out of 10 I would do my homework and watch this content. But this is one of those occasions as of this content being created I have heard or seen enough.

Because I want to come at this from a slightly different perspective and no I am not condoning any of this what was said. But of what I have heard and seen, this rally was essentially what wrestling was back in the 1980's where they even had Hulk Hogan there and anyone that was foreign or different were heels [bad characters.] But the problem of this; is well obviously it isn't the 1980's anymore and much more importantly in this case we are talking about real people that are not foreign actually they are born Americans and should be treated as Americans.

As someone from the UK, I just have to ask what the hell are you doing America? Because there is no way in hell this campaign should be this close, in fact Trump is a convicted felon so by your own rules and regulations he is not allowed to vote, but somehow is allowed to run a campaign to be the next President of the United States of America? I don't care how he spins it or his people or his friends or supporters spin it; Donald Trump is solely responsible for what happened on 06/01/2021; with the Capitol riots, he fuelled the flames of misinformation and unleashed his dogs/supporters, so it shouldn't just be the dogs being put in kennels [as they should be for their actions,] it should also be the person holding a leash as well.

On top of that/equal to that we have this really fudgin' dumb and backwards in conversation about women's rights to have an abortion; I mean hello it is 2024, men or any other person shouldn't be telling women what they can or can't do with their own bodies. I mean full disclosure; there may be only two reasons why a man can either suggest things to a woman; the first is down to health and safety of it may be a risk to the mother and baby or and I have always said this in a relationship situation; we get 10% of the conversation; meaning example if I was to have a baby because of my disability this lifestyle would be hard work, but still enjoyable, but I would need to know if she is up for the challenge and serious about building something with me, because juggling my disability and the bureaucracy that comes with that and dealing with a baby on my own is something I would struggle to cope with and it wouldn't be fair on the baby/child; so as you can tell I am just talking about being a responsible adult and not making that choice for her, because at the end of the day she still has 90% control over her body; but on the whole and I can't stress enough it is a woman's choice and just for the record I am pro-choice if I have made it crystal clear already I was thinking I would just throw that out there.

I could hear people asking; well Kamala Harris made reference to some hecklers being at the wrong rally. I honestly don't care, that was/are a harmless response generally speaking and especially now with how things went down at Madison Square Garden.

I mean throughout the vast majority of Donald Trump's life, his entire ethos is looking after number one, whilst either being a con man or making sure that when things go south he isn't the one holding the bag, all he does is promised the weak minded or the gullible that tomorrow will be a brighter day in this case under his leadership. So being really polite, if you still believe in Trump and still are going to vote for him then, there is nothing I can say or anyone else can say to you, because Trump has already done with programming you to believe he is a victim and he is raging against the machine to make America great again

So allow me to finish things like this; for those undecided or/and Trump supporters for once in your life stand up for the United States of America that represents the United States of America in all of its diversity, including and efforts to be equal, I mean in four years time; you Republicans and Democrats can go back to squabbling just not now come together and do what is best for America in its entirety and say no to Donald Trump and very finally from the UK and probably the rest of the civilised world; the vast majority of us probably don't want to deal with Donald Trump in any way shape or form be it a country visit or on a global stage or holding the US nuclear ball ever again; so do us all a favour and don't put him back in the White House; thanks.




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