Saturday 5 October 2024

Average Extra of: Joker: Folie à Deux 2024 & It's Hopeful Box Office Failure by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Joker: Folie à Deux 2024 & It's Hopeful Box Office Failure by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Average Extra of: Joker: Folie à Deux 2024 & Let's Talk About Its Growing Concerns Link

Heavy Warning: there will be using adult censored language, but probably more than I usually do and no this is not a film review.

Real Talking Time:

This content isn't going to be easy reading: obviously straight off the bat I know, I know I was going to spend the next portion of this year and the beginning of next year releasing Marvel content. But then I saw this manure show and for me this was the final straw, I mean I haven't been exactly silent on the subject of this nature but this is the equivalent of a woman seeing my line and then urinating over it by some distance.

I want everyone that was responsible on the writing/directing side of things to be blacklisted from Warner Brothers Studios/Warner Brothers Discovery immediate effect and regardless of my opinion/outlook Warner Brothers should want this as well, because in essence it looks like they took $200 million of my money in flew the middle finger in my face as they knowingly and intentionally put out this dumpster fire of a film that has absolutely no chance of making profit, I mean it would have been much more kinder if they're just bent over Warner Brothers and stuck a elephant trunk up their posterior to be frankly honest with you; yes late yesterday evening it had been indicated that the one of the writers/director; Todd Phillips is done with anything to do with this side of DC. I am sitting here now saying No manure Sherlock; I mean you couldn't give two manures about this sequel and made it a perfect representation of what is wrong with our current climate as it relates public perception.

As it sees more and more acceptable to mentally and emotionally abused men or in this case a man with obvious mental health issues, that clearly just wants to find some form of his normality. But as a society what we are saying is; after a woman is done with you, they can just up and leave when without giving too much of this film away in one way or another they were lying to you; about some really crucial topics just to serve their purpose.

So what was the point of #Metoo? Because in theory I get it I understand it frankly I'm not a stupid idiot. But seriously what was the point of it? No seriously what was the fudgin' point of it? Because it started in 2006 and it is now 2024 and all I see is it being used as a weapon or at the form of blackmail or a form of populism. If you're wondering about the correlation between this sequel and this movement?; The point being and I cannot stress this enough; if any of this happened to a woman the outcry would be catastrophic, but as it is happening to a man, it is seemingly absolutely fine.

When you have Quinn spreading her legs and indeed assisting to penetrate her to get where she wants to be in life at this time. This is not feminism if anything this is just a form of prostitution, meaning she gets paid by being in the limelight. But however once again and you may hate me for saying this; but if the roles were in reverse the majority of you would be going on social media saying #Metoo this or that or the other.

I mean if you want to know what real feminism is about; it's not about hating men, it isn't about spreading your legs and having intercourse with anyone to get ahead in life. I mean I know this is strange coming out of a white/caucasian man's mouth considering nowadays generally speaking we are hated especially the middle aged variety. But generally speaking feminism; is/was all about being heard, seen as equals, be it as an all-round person and not just being a slave in the kitchen, be it financially or/and careerwise, basically in a nutshell not below or superior to men/others but equals and if the suffragettes were alive today considering some of them died for your right; they would be ashamed of what feminism has been turned into; a WMD [a Weapon of Mass Destruction.]

So if this sequel wanted to make a indication of a mockery of #Metoo and it is no longer built for purpose then mission achieved which then makes it much harder for people to come forward, I don't give two dumplings about gender, even though some of you might as it relates to males coming forward; I don't see this gender aspect; that innocent people are still people. This sequel is a mockery of mental health as it; indicates that Quinn does not have mental health issues in fact she is very manipulative and purposeful, I mean if this sequel wanted to highlight that; behind #Metoo as a society we have cultivated a culture of women/others that are willing to exploit vulnerable situations then mission accomplished.

I should very quickly point out; the more I watched this sequel, the more I was becoming more and more animated; no I literally was becoming more and more animated I was fuming, I was using hand gestures at the big screen including using adult language references which for an example I used the uncensored version of fudge and a lot.

You see the final cherry on top of this manure pie was a very small but poignant moment in this sequel and this is something for you to look out for so I am not giving too much away; even though I have just illustrated it as a small moment, because it is. But in essence it says so much about this sequel and what they are trying to say as some kind of justification for what I have just been discussing; which after seeing this I went supernova the person I watch some of this content with knows when I go like this just stay away, I go from nice guy to can I book a room at Arkham Asylum for one person please? No I am not all talk I generally have mental health issues, I was even that angry that I didn't stick around to watch if there was any extra ending credits, I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

But I digress; we have Fleck/Joker [Joaquin Phoenix] watching and laughing at a certain a Warner Brothers property Looney Tunes member and if you are switched on mentally I will give you a couple of seconds to think which one would invoke that response from this content creator... Now I'm not being condescending, but if you are smart you and/or knowledgeable would be saying " Not that one, they wouldn't be that petty, come on; No way, No fudgin' way would they do that? Because that would at best be argumentative and worst, that would be just unthinkable they would sink below as the Titanic.

And I'm here to say yes OH YES they would: if you were thinking/saying Pepé Le Pew; you would be absolutely correct. For those much younger generations the basic premise of this TV show/character is; he is a French skunk that fancies this black cat which unfortunately gets some white paint strips spilt on her, so she looks like a female skunk; there is no nice way of putting this so I am just going to come out and say it; if you ever wanted to watch a children's cartoon basically based around sexual harassment; yes I did just say sexual harassment this would be it and if it makes you feel comfortable you can also add sexual predator, groping as he just doesn't take the hint.

But the point of it in this sequel is; a very deliberate passive aggressive defence/justification way of saying "Everything we have done is nothing compared to what this cartoon represented, as in if it is okay for a man to do it a woman should be able as equality to do it as well." I mean I have brain damage, I have permanent brain damage and yet even I know from my damaged brain cells, this is just a ludicrous and childish defence. I mean what were they thinking? We are talking about grown adults here. I mean don't be fudgin' cowards here an relying on a cartoon which was released in 1945 when your sequel is based in the 1980's, but using modern day implications to potentially condone present day ideologies.

In summary; they took Joker 2019 and took a massive dump on it in this sequel; so be grown up; you made this dump the least you can do is stand by it and I would be absolutely delighted if this sequel made a huge financial loss or failing that as long as it struggles to get its budget back of roughly $200 million or a very little profit just to make sure it sinks in that this sequel was a complete waste of time and as the person I watched some of this content with said "This sequel was a missed opportunity"; I will be smiling and finally I can now reassure you when they said it wasn't a musical they were lying, because it is a musical


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