Tuesday 17 September 2024

Average Extra of: Huw Edwards gets handed a six-month suspended prison sentence for handling under age material in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Huw Edwards gets handed a six-month suspended prison sentence for handling under age material in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Heavy Warning: I should begin by saying that I don't particularly want to produce this content not to protect Huw Edwards; Hell No not in the slightest, but just based on I will be saying things that are incredibly uncomfortable, even though I will be toning it down a bit, this is just because I have to be mindful of the ages that may or may not be viewing my  content and in this case, I shouldn't really have to give warning about the potential of my language changing now and again, but here we go; there will be censored adult language references and I am not defending sexual deviants; this will make much better sense when you read the following content when this comes into effect I wanted to state that I am talking in theory which yes yet again may or may not result in practicality/eventuality

Real Talking Time:

Well this is just fudgin' wrong: with the evidence of material stacked against Edwards as in I'm going to say material of under age harmful activities, how can he just be given a six-month suspended sentence; just for the record I am very much aware that it is one rule for one and another set of rules for another. But I mean How? As in How did he get away with it? When it has been indicated at minimum there was more than enough evidence. This is a genuine question of how? How can it be justified?

Look we have people serving years in prison for what they have been putting on social media which at most they should be serving in my opinion six months, before people get on my case I have experienced and seen unpleasantness being spread on social media, but then again if we are going to put people in prison for this, shouldn't we be sending our politicians in prison as well for spreading misinformation, instigating situations such as hateful and frankly abusing their position. My point clearly is; compared to what Edwards has done these people shouldn't be seeing inside a prison cell any time soon.

I hope that the justice system is fully aware that they have now made a rod for their own back, because if I was a defence lawyer; defending sexual criminals I would be using this gross mis-justice as an excellent example of a template of how to get my client not to see inside a prison cell.

I mean I have experienced in hearing or seeing men that have done nothing wrong going through the degrading process of the justice system; just because another individual wanted to destroy them and yet they let Edwards out on a six-month suspended sentence.

Come on, give me a break and for those that are going to bring up his mental health I will say okay then, if it is his mental health; he should be given the choice of prison or sectioned for the next 5-10 years [I should point out before I get some form of backlash, if we could get him to serve 7 years, that would have been something not forgetting the overcrowding in prisons, based on how things are currently, don't misunderstand me I would have loved to give him 17 years without parole,] which would have taken him up to 80 years old. He can get the help he seemingly needs in that time. This entire case is what is wrong with the world today, because yes I have mental health issues and have done for years, but I have never, ever sought out under age material, I have said quite a few things wrong for one or multiple reasons including dealing with unsavoury characters online.

Here is a funny [obviously I am being sarcastic] aspects of this outcome; Edwards basically gets his life back, with his BBC pension [which on a little bit of research is £300,000 a year] and yet they still want people to pay the TV licence; there are multiple problems with this picture here I think.

I feel I should leave this content on this question; where is the justice for the victims and their families?

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