Sunday 4 August 2024

Recommendation of: WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Recommendation of: WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Softer adult language warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/adult language reference/ effects at some time I will be using adult softer/censored adult language.

Liv Morgan vs. Champ Becky Lynch; Singles Match for the WWE Women's Championship: first thing first; why does this match begin or roughly begin with a slapping match? Basically I am paraphrasing here; we have Graves talking about the women's two main divisions and Morgan being injured and that being unfortunate, but things are always changing. My point for bringing this up is this; so based on what Graves is talking about here is things changing and not being handed a championship match when you get back or something to that effect is that right? So I am sure when Charlotte Flair returns this would also apply to her? Yes? Obviously I am not stupid, I know this does not apply to her for some reason, but for here and now I find these statements to be jarring based on Graves is talking garbage. Yet again we have Graves talking garbage; Morgan has to win this without any shenanigans to basically be viewed better and refer one of her championship runs as a cup of coffee, I mean I know he is meant to be a heel commentator; all he is doing is generating go away heat. Graves acknowledges he has been on Morgan's case, but he flips it did talk about Lynch and sometime later Graves put over on commentary Morgan's ground game, Graves uses an adult language reference on commentary at some point. This match/match slot receives: 6/10.

The Alpha Academy's Chad Gable [with Otis] vs. Bronson Reed vs. Champ Sami Zayn; Triple Threat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: we have a couple of trios malty situations, Graves pointing out Read in a nutshell and paraphrasing I think; he was trying to lessen the impact of coming off the top turnbuckle which I would agree with this assessment as well, then we have some theatre between Gable and Otis, the crowd were no surprise here were really lively to see their region of wrestler and WWE Intercontinental Champion Zayn put his championship on the line here and Cole using an adult language reference, let's just forget the interview segment near to this match slot this match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Raw: Lyra Valkyria vs. SmackDown bracket winner; Nia Jax or Bianca Belair [Nia Jax;] Queen of the Ring Tournament Final Match: the brackets recap was of a high quality and well executed package; but this match/match slot is just ugly; Valkyria performs a running diving baseball slide through the ropes which Cole makes reference it hardly touches Jax. Jax still can't wrestler, the match outlay for this slot is terrible in fact I know it is a gimmick match for this event, but if it wasn't because of this; this match should never ever took place. Valkyria yet again tries the baseball slide, but gets caught and then tries a miserable dropkick and yet again on commentary but this time Graves points out basically and paraphrasing she didn't get all of it which yet again I would have to agree. Now I have seen the ending of this match/match slot doing the rounds on social media, but now I have is seen it; seen it. But for this; I was under the impression it was beyond terrible now having seen it; it is donkey dumplings. I mean even the crowd that were trying to be lively, really I mean compare to before this match slot. So even though there are some grains of salt of positivity I have no problem awarding the mark I have decided on and the surrounding elements. This match/match slot receives: 1/10.

Raw: Imperium's Walter vs. SmackDown winning bracket; Randy Orton or Tama Tonga [Randy Orton;] King of the Ring Tournament Final Match: roughly speaking we have a quick interview and another recap package which is of the same quality as before. Owen Hart gets referenced by Graves. Graves corrects himself but says women first and then men or something to that effect and sometime later we have this discussion on commentary which is brief but it tells you a lot about the WWE Intercontinental Champion Zayn when you have the commentary team saying it was a fluke when Zayn beat Walter. The ending to this match is just a complete mess, to the point where the crowd reaction was booming, but quickly changing to positive, at some point Graves making reference to he would like to see in other angle to that pin [which I can guarantee he isn't going to get that request,] interview booing and yes I have seen the clip doing rounds on social media, Graves does an impersonation of Hulk Hogan. So because of the inclusion this match/match slot will take a hammering in its score. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

The WWE United States Champion Logan Paul vs. Champ Cody Rhodes; Singles Match for the Undisputed WWE Championship: Paul goes a little bit low down his standing moonsalt pin, followed by Rhodes apparently going for an arm drag off the top turnbuckle, so says the commentary team. But it looks like something has gone wrong considering, it doesn't look nothing like it and in fact it looks more like an arm breaker; I am not being arrogant here but more times I watch this on replay; it so it isn't an arm drag, but as commentary Rhodes looks basically/paraphrasing worse for wear, which is no exhilaration as he is as seemingly damaged his shoulder, but then again he does get out and start punching with that hand, so take that as you will. This is garbage, I can't tell you too much about this section, because this series of content isn't designed for that purpose, but for here and now just take my word for it; this is garbage and all I can say to give you a little bit of substance here is; as soon as this happens why is this match continuing? This is complete and utter garbage, the people of the Middle East deserve better; just to cover my back I never had a problem with the people of the Middle East generally speaking, I have always had a problem with let's just say their Royal family and their shady activities; I have to say alleged activities. But back to the wrestling Paul attempts a messy buckshot lariat. Paul asks Cole a really stupid question of do you need this? Followed by other things, I know this is basic heel work, but there is a difference between heat and go away heat, I wasn't a fan of Paul, but I have acknowledged he can wrestle, but he is just becoming go away heat now. I know I have already made reference to this; but the more I watch, the more I think what complete donkey dumplings. I am just happy that is over with, I will finish this section on this sentiment; the crowd were still lively, but they deserve better than this absolute shish kebab, likewise I have seen some of this on social media, but seeing it; in its entirety is just ugly stuff. This match/match slot receives: 3/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 4/10, in hindsight from beginning to end this event is a waste of time and energy, in fact congratulations to this event; this would be the first-time ever this entire event has qualified for another series of my content; Wasted, because even though there are high marks on this card in its entirety even these matches/match slots are not exempt from criticism. I will finish on a positive the crowd never let this event down and as I have already said they deserve better.



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